Monday, September 1, 2014

The Constant Battle Between Man and His Girlfriend

Labor Days are usually spent mingling with friends, laying around, and ultimately enjoying a much needed day off from the harsh realities of life; Not the case at 1121 N Lowry Ave., where yet another day is spent witnessing a friend argue with his girlfriend. The rosy red cheeks and the piercing eyes of the shouting individuals said it all: this was about to be a s**t show, so grab a seat, a bag of popcorn, and strap in, because it was about to get wild. As the fight progressed and countless pointless arguments were being made, one individual gave up altogether, and simply quit speaking. Instead of dropping the incident and moving on from the fight, the other individual only grew angrier and started arguing more. However, the first individual continued the silent treatment tactic, proving that she truly did not have a worthy rebuttal to the absurd arguments her boyfriend was making. Sensing defeat, the boyfriend did the only thing that he thought he could do at that point- he gave in, proving the true power of the silent treatment. The two then made amends and went about their day as if nothing had happened, but, tomorrow is another day, anything can happen.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand where you are coming from in this blog post. I am a strong believer in the fact, it is just not meant to be. The constant bickering doesn't even compare to the sound of nails on a chalk board. The constant fight between a man and a woman is one that will never end, similar to the argument of whether dogs are better than cats. It's one of those things that can never be won, especially due to the stubbornness all women have. I've learned they aren't worth it, and that a mans best friend is his dog.
