Sunday, September 14, 2014

Discrimination on Campus

College campuses act as a blender for young adults, mixing many different types of people all within one location. As students, going from the comfortability of high school with people you've known your whole life to a culturally diverse college campus can be very frightening to some, while others make the transition effortlessly. However, not everyone can make that transition so quickly, and sometimes discrimination arises as a result. Whether it is religion, race, or sexual orientation, the unfortunate truth is that there will always be some sort of discrimination; there will always be that one person who has a problem with you.  

For the most part, Wittenberg has a very inclusive and accepting student body with rare occurrences of discrimination. That does not mean Wittenberg is perfect, either. One year, the n-word was spray painted on the school's fountain, sparking a huge outrage within the students and the faculty of Wittenberg. Some claim a student did it, while others blamed a "townie". No one knows for sure who spray painted the word on the fountain. As the school has moved on from this incident, many of the students are still left with a sour taste in their mouths. They want equality and cohesiveness within everyone on campus, and who could blame them? While there are some issues of discrimination here and there, it is not near as bad as it used to be. The school is trying its best to minimize all discrimination, which may be a tough feat to achieve, but Wittenberg is certainly headed in the right direction.

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