Thursday, September 18, 2014

NHL 15: Not Your Typical Hockey Game

A couple of weeks ago, EA Sports released its next installment into the NHL series: NHL 15. While many gaming companies rated the game as just average, they don't take into consideration the number one factor in a gamers' experience: entertainment. Entertainment should be the number one thing the critics should be highlighting, but many don't mention it when writing their review. As a college student or student in general, one needs time to take their mind off of schoolwork and extracurricular activities every once in a while. The best way for me? Playing video games with friends. Nothing is more satisfying than whooping up on a friend in a video game, and NHL 15 is the top dog right now in terms of entertainment.

NHL 15 (photo courtesy of

Sure, many games satisfy my need for entertainment, but none come close to NHL. The hype of each game as you skate around and knock opponents to the ground while scoring goals, and sometimes getting into fist fights, is indescribable. I often find myself sweating after the first period because I'm on edge of my seat the whole time, demanding my players to perform at the highest standard, even when they are in a video game and can't hear me. The best part of the game, however, is the easiness of it. Someone who doesn't have the slightest clue of anything about hockey can pick up a controller and compete in games right off the bat. Not many sports games can make that claim. The ability to play the game and actually be good at it makes the game that much more fun and enjoyable. It you're a competitive gamer or just a student looking to relieve some stress, NHL 15 is definitely worth the time.

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